1) North Sentinel Island

North Sentinel Island is home to the Sentinelese, an indigenous people of India. The Sentinelese people prefer to be left alone and do not want to be bothered by foreigners. They have even violently defended themselves against outsiders before.

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These reasons are what make this island one of the only remaining places untouched by the outside world. The government has forbidden anyone to go within three miles of North Sentinel Island.

2) Nalanda International University is one of the world's most ancient

In rural Bihar, Nalanda, one of the world's most ancient universities is being rebuilt. It was first established as a center of learning in the 5th century CE when a large Buddhist monastery stood on site. The new Nalanda International University is set to be completed in 2021/22- offering post-graduate courses on a wide variety of subjects.

3) First Mined Diamonds

Among the most historical facts about India is that it was the first and only country to mine and produce diamonds. Mining dated back to the 4th century BC and lasted for about 1,000 years before others started mining them.

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The first diamonds found in India came from the Krishna River Delta. Later, diamond discoveries appeared in Brazil and South Africa, adding to the diamond market.

4) The origins of chess

It is claimed that the game of chess originated in India some 1,500 years ago. It is said to be based on the 7th-century war game called chaturanga that flourished in northwestern India at the time.

5) Mawsynram, Meghalaya

The Meghalaya village of Mawsynram is the wettest inhabited place on earth. It has won the Guinness world record for this title with approximately 11,873 milliliters of rain each year. This large amount of rainfall is due to its proximity to the Bay of Bengal.

In this area, the monsoon season lasts for about six months, from June to September. During this season, rains can last for days at a time, and flooding is almost always inevitable.

6) India's only female prime minister was assassinated

Indira Gandhi was India's first and only female prime minister. She was the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru – India's first prime minister– not the child of leader Mahatma Gandhi as her surname might suggest. She served from 1966-1977 and was re-elected in 1980 before being assassinated in 1984 while still in office.

7) The country is third in the world for billionaires

India now boasts 6,884 ultra-high-net-worth individuals with assets over US $30 million and claims to have 140 billionaires- ranking the country third in the world for billionaires, behind the USA and China.

8) Largest Milk Producer

Among the many cool facts about India is that it also takes the title of being the largest milk producer in the world. Within the last six years, production has grown by 35.61%. This growth has led to 198.4 million tons of milk from 2021-2022.

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9) Temple Of Rats

Among the countless temples found in India is the Temple of Rats, located in Bikaner, Rajasthan. The Karni Mata rat temple is dedicated to the 25,000 rats who inhabit it. Many people flock to see this unique attraction for entertainment, but pilgrims visit for religious reasons daily.

Rat worship dates back to the 15th century in India for reincarnation purposes. Members of the Depavats family feed and care for the rats located in the temple daily.
When visiting, be respectful of the religious people and their beliefs. For an optimal view of the rats, it is best to visit late at night or early before the sun rises when they are most active.

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10) India Invented the Word ‘Shampoo’

It’s a little-known fact that India was the first to invent and introduce shampoo to the world. The English word “shampoo” is derived from the Hindi-Urdu word “chämpo.” Shampoo back then was nothing like the bottles you may grab from the store today. People made it from a variety of herbs and herbal extracts. Ancient Egypt, the first recorded to use a crude form of shampoo, mixed citrus with water.

The most effective shampoo recorded from that time was made from boiled Sapindus (a type of shrub) and dried gooseberry, combined with a few other herbs depending on the area. The use of Sapindus made it effective. Sapindus is often called “soap berries” because of its cleansing properties.

Bonus : The National Beverage of India Is Tea