Do you wish to take a faraway, life-changing trip, but your current financial situation prevents you from doing so?
Not to worry!

Let's discuss how to travel on a budget?

1. Plan in advance

Being spontaneous is not a problem if you have the money and time to entertain it. However, if you want to keep travel expenses low, it is imperative you plan in advance. Planning does not mean you have to be strict and tight with everything. When planning, ensure you have covered pretty much everything. A plan enables you to have an idea of the duration of the trip, the route of the epic adventure you intend to take and money spent on accommodation, food and fun activities. Planning ensures you leave less chance for unexpected spending.

2. Travel out of season

During peak season, the demand is high. The travel industry takes advantage of school holidays and peak season to hike the prices of various services, commodities and activities. They mainly target those who can only travel during this period. The best way to avoid the high prices is to get out of the target group. Research the best time to visit your intended destination, and then travel just before or after these dates. This is called the ‘shoulder season’, Hotels and airlines lower their prices to attract customers during this time.

3. Book in advance

Last minute deals can be a godsend if you’re travelling on a budget , but it’s often cheaper (and less stressful!) to book transport, accommodation and activities well in advance.

4.Fly mid-week

Flights are more expensive at weekends, because more people are free to travel. Try and fly between Tuesday-Thursday, if you can.

5. Travel overnight

If you have a long journey to complete as part of you trip, one way to save money is to travel overnight. You have to pay to get from A to B no matter what time of day you travel, but travelling overnight saves you the cost of accommodation for that night. Bonus: you don’t ‘waste time’ travelling during the day, so you have more time to explore!

6. Use public transportation

Using public transportation during your trip can save you a lot of money. Public transport is always cheaper than having a taxi or personal ride take you around the city or your destination. If you have a rental car to do a road trip, you can make use of the unoccupied seats by carrying some people headed in the direction you are going. By carpooling, you can get a bit of money to help you buy some petrol for the trip rather than going back into your pocket.

7. Choose Hostel or Apartments

Hotels can be quite expensive, and getting hotels offering discounts, especially during peak season, can be a huge challenge. Therefore, if you are travelling on a budget, avoid hotels as much as possible. Choosing a hostel or apartment is a cheaper alternative. An apartment is a good choice if you have a large family. But if you are a smaller group and do not intend on staying for long, you can find hostels in the area.

8. Try street food over eating in restaurants

Our top recommendation is to look into local cuisine or small eateries. These are the most affordable ways to serve yourself on a budget while also experiencing local culture. Many travelers are hesitant to eat street food for fear of becoming ill. However, street food is often the safer option because you can see the food being ready and cooked rather than concealed in the kitchen.

9. Pack properly

Make sure you bring everything you need so that you don’t have to shop while you’re away. No matter where you’re heading, take at least one pair of long jeans, warm hoodie and waterproof jacket for unpredictable weather incidents.

10. Search for free things to do in your chosen destination

A great top tip for traveling on a budget is to look for free things to do wherever you’re heading. It could be that certain museums are free on certain days or that there are local events on. Don’t forget the classic ‘free walking tour’, a great way of seeing the city you are visiting. Just remember that it’s customary to tip at the end.

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