Are you getting tired of your everyday schedule?

"Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?"

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Everybody advises beginning something new, but what?🤔

Let's see,

-> Take up and master a hobby or craft you’ve always wanted but always found an excuse not to; perhaps sewing, woodworking, or a restoration project. (furniture, car, or motorcycle)

-> Get a massage. It surprises me how many people I meet, mostly men, who have never had a professional relaxing or therapeutic massage.

-> Create art: paint on canvas, sculpt with clay or paper, draw or sketch with pencil, ink, or charcoal.

-> Go to a new restaurant, preferably an ethnic restaurant, and try something different on the menu.

-> Prepare a dish at home that you've never tried.

-> Travel to somewhere you’ve never been

-> Go to work differently: ride your bike, walk, take a train, or use a taxi.

-> Learn to play an instrument or take singing lessons.

-> Go see live music—a genre you’ve never seen or listened to much before

-> Go on a camping trip; sleep under the stars

-> Grow a garden and tend to it.

-> Learn a new language.

-> Photography and/or video; learn to edit.

-> Take dancing lessons: tango, swing, two-step, and other

-> Challenge Comfort Zones

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”If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t walk run, then walk, if you can’t walk, then crawl, but by all means keep moving.”

“Don't wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.”

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